Park Avenue Elementary School

Removal of Contaminated Soils & Waste Material


Shoring to Excavate Impacted-Soil Adjacent to High Pressure Underground Fuel Line


Shoring and Removing Impacted-Soil around High-Pressure 30” Gas line.

Building Wraps

All structures were wrapped with plastic sheets to prevent dust from entering.


Preventing Impacted Dust from Entering School Buildings by Wrapping the Buildings with Shrink-Wrap for the Duration of the Remediation


Shoring and Removing Impacted-Soil around High-Pressure 30” Gas line

Large Ordinance Removals

Our skilled operators and superior equipment allows for minimally intrusive excavations.


Managing Stockpiles and assigning number to each one for profiling

Stormwater BMP’s

Stormwater BMP’s, Covered Stockpiles, and Dykes after Heavy Rain

Dust Mitigation Wall Erection

To prevent dust from entering adjacent properties a dust mitigation wall was erected.

Contact Us

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.